Shipment Management Solution

Shipment Management Solution

Online International Courier Management Solutions

Shippoing is an advanced online courier management software designed to enhance operational efficiency, automate processes, and improve customer satisfaction with real-time tracking, secure data handling, and seamless integration.

Struggling with courier parcel mismanagement and inefficiencies?

Shippoing addresses your courier management challenges by preventing prohibited items, ensuring parcels reach the correct hub, and providing real-time customer credit limit management. Our online courier management software automates bagging, significantly reducing time spent on manual processes. Enhance your operational efficiency, boost productivity, and improve customer satisfaction with Shippoing’s comprehensive and secure solutions.

Features of Online Courier Management Software

Customer Self-Service Portal

Customer Self-Service Portal

Book shipments, track parcels, and manage invoices effortlessly
Seamless Customer Onboarding Journey

Seamless Customer Onboarding Journey

Easy and intuitive onboarding process for new customers
Interactive and Live Dashboard

Interactive and Live Dashboard

Real-time insights and data visualization for better decision-making
Customer Credit Limit

Manage Customer Credit Limit

Monitor and adjust customer credit limits in real time
Track Shipment Prohibited Items

Track Shipment Prohibited Items

Ensure compliance by tracking restricted items in shipments
Automated Bagging Process

Automated Bagging Process

Save time with efficient, automated bagging operations
Mobile App to Manage Operations

Mobile App to Manage Operations

Control and monitor your operations on the go with our mobile app

Benefits of Online Courier Management Solutions

Improve Operation Efficiency

Improve Operation Efficiency

Streamline processes to enhance overall operational efficiency
Improve Employee Productivity

Improve Employee Productivity

Automate tasks to boost employee productivity and focus
Minimize Revenue Leakages

Minimize Revenue Leakages

Prevent financial losses with accurate tracking and management
Increase Profits

Increase Profits

Optimize operations to maximize profitability
Improve Customer Satisfaction

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Deliver better service and reliability to increase customer satisfaction
Enhanced Parcel Tracking

Enhanced Parcel Tracking

Ensure accurate and real-time parcel tracking for peace of mind

Web Application Development

Progressive Web App Design
Our experienced PWA specialists have the technology and industry skills to deliver apps that engage better and retain users.
Center of Excellence (CoE)
We have a dedicated Center of Excellence (CoE) to nurture innovation and provide new benchmarks of success and competence for the industry to follow.
End-to-end progressive web application development
Our end-to-end progressive web application development services cover every stage of the development cycle and ensure the quality and speed of execution.
Proven methodologies to build PWAs
We use proven methodologies to build PWAs with unprecedented performance levels.


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What is Seasonal Employment? How It Can Benefit Hiring Process 

Seasonal employment offers many advantages; whether supplementing income, building new skills or filling any gaps on their resume.  Seasonal workers offer organizations an efficient solution to meeting peak demand. Plus, seasonal employees often come with discounts on merchandise and services like veterinary care or coffee and tea services.  What is Seasonal Employment?  Seasonal jobs provide the ideal opportunity to gain experience in a new industry or role without making a long-term commitment.   You might work in customer service during holiday rush season or as an accountant during tax season; seasonal employment opportunities provide invaluable experience while filling gaps in requirement for employments, all while working alongside familiar team members in an environment which supports them.  Employers looking to attract and retain seasonal workers should emphasize the flexibility and non-commitment required of seasonal positions.   Employers could host or participate in local job fairs to meet potential candidates while also showcasing company culture. Furthermore, companies could consider rehiring former seasonal employees to reduce training costs; this is particularly effective when they have proven effective and reliable.  How Many Hours Do Seasonal Employees Work?  Companies often hire seasonal workers to meet customer demand during specific times of year. Beyond meeting customer demands, hiring seasonal employees may have financial benefits; however, since these workers may not qualify for full time status or benefits.   It is essential that companies remain aware of all legal implications surrounding this type of employment arrangement.  Seasonal employment often means that employees are not as committed to the organization as if they were full-time, which can negatively impact employee performance and productivity, in addition to creating potential legal issues for employers.  Benefits for Employers  Employing seasonal workers allows businesses to meet peak demand at times of high business volume without being bound by full-time employment costs all year.   Furthermore, this strategy saves companies money as employees only require pay for months they are needed.  At various points throughout the year, various industries hire seasonal workers depending on their business needs and customers’ preferences. Retail stores and restaurants with heavy foot traffic during holidays hire temporary staff to manage increased customer volume; similarly, hotels that host vacationers also employ staff during summer peak seasons when there is high tourism volume.  Seasonal jobs can provide an ideal stepping-stone to permanent employment for individuals who are new to an industry and eager to showcase their abilities. Some companies screen seasonal employees for positions they might have available later; this gives individuals an opportunity to establish themselves at a company and build their resume.  As seasonal employment is only temporary, employers should make clear to employees during the hiring process how long their employment will last and their responsibilities. This should be included in their job description and employment contract that should be signed off on by employees to acknowledge. Employers using the look-back method for determining full-time employees may not need to offer health coverage immediately because seasonal workers only tend to work certain times of year.  Types of Employment  Employment can be categorized into various types based on different criteria. Here are some common types of employment:  Full-time Employment  Full-time jobs, which form the core of a lot of organizations, need employees to adhere to working a typical week that is 35-40 hours. These positions offer comprehensive benefits including health insurance, and retirement plans to ensure the health and safety of workers. For their hard work and hard work, full-time workers generally receive benefits that go beyond just compensation. They also foster dedication and loyalty.  Part-time Employment  Part-time jobs, with flexible working hours and are characterised by less daily commitments and often totaling under 35 hours. Although they provide employees with some advantages, they tend to be limited as compared to the benefits offered by full-time roles. Despite the shorter time, part-time workers perform essential roles in a range of fields, thereby contributing to the workforce’s flexibility and diversity.  Temporary Work  Temporary work, which is essential to meeting the short-term needs of the organization, can last between a couple of weeks and some months. They provide a temporary solution for immediate staffing needs and benefits that vary based on the employer’s policies. Employed in all sectors Temporary employment can provide employers with flexibility in resource management while allowing workers to have an opportunity to earn income for a limited period and experiences.  Contract Employment  Contract work, as defined by fixed term contracts, provides employees with the ability to take part on specific tasks or projects during a specified time. The arrangement allows the freedom to work as you please, even while assuming the responsibility for managing taxes and other benefits on their own. The concept of contract employment is attractive to employers looking for specialized expertise as well as individuals seeking a variety of working experiences.  Freelancer  Freelancers who are independent contractors, traverse an environment governed by projects-based assignments. They are in control of selecting the projects they work on and their working times but are responsible for coordinating tax or insurance and client relationships. Today, in the business of gigs, freelancers can work with a variety of clients and manage a variety of clients and projects.  Remote Employment  Remote work, enabled by advancements in technology, allows people to escape from the constraints of traditional workplaces. Flexibility and work-life balance Remote work permits professionals to complete their work anywhere that has internet access. Companies around the globe embrace remote work. remote working has incorporated modern working practices which boost productivity and retention.  Internship  Internships bridge the classroom and practical experiences, providing students and recently graduated graduates with exposure to their fields of study. No matter if they are paid or not, internships are a great way to gain learning and network building, often pave the way to future career possibilities. Employers recognize them to nurture the talent pool, internships play a crucial contribution to creating the future workforce.  Hybrid Employment  Hybrid employment is a flexible work model that combines remote and in-person work. It allows employees to split their time between […]

Slash Costs, Scale Fast: Tech Startup’s Guide to IT Staff Augmentation 

Tech startups are known for being quick, creative, and working at a fast pace. But putting together a team with the right skills and know-how, especially in IT, can be tricky. Staff augmentation is a unique way for startups to get the right people for their IT work. What You Should Know Staff augmentation is a smart strategy that companies use to meet specific IT project needs. It’s different from regular hiring, which brings in full- or part-time permanent employees. For startups, staff augmentation is great because it’s flexible and cost-effective. Why Its Good for Tech Products IT staff augmentation is a big help for tech product development. Startups can quickly expand their team without the extra costs of hiring, onboarding, and training new employees. This service gives access to skilled professionals for temporary or project-based work, depending on what the company needs. Startups can also get specialized expertise in various ways. Save Money: Full-Time IT vs. Staff Augmentation One major advantage for startups using IT staff augmentation is saving money. It cuts costs on hiring, training, and onboarding new employees. It also allows flexibility in team size based on the project’s needs. On the flip side, hiring full-time IT staff can be expensive for startups. They need to invest a lot in salary, benefits, and training, which might be too much for a startup with limited resources. In a nutshell, IT staff augmentation is a special way for startups to cut costs, improve projects, and get expert help. Making IT Staff Augmentation Work for Your Startup Staff augmentation is perfect for companies wanting to quickly and efficiently grow their IT teams. But, adopting staff augmentation can be tricky, especially for those new to the idea. This section shares some smart moves for managing augmented IT teams, finding the right IT workers, and successful examples. Best Practices for Teams When handling augmented IT teams, startups need clear communication between in-house and augmented teams. This helps avoid confusion and keeps everyone on the same page. Set clear expectations for the expanded team. Outline project timeframes, goals, and other important details. This way, the bigger team knows exactly what’s expected. Ongoing support and feedback for the augmented team are vital. Regular check-ins help keep things on track and let the in-house team offer advice and feedback. Finding the Right IT Pros Finding good IT workers through staffing firms is a great choice for startups. These agencies have a big talent pool and can provide the right skills for projects. When picking a staffing agency, look at their reputation, experience, and track record. Make sure they have a thorough screening process for their candidates. Real Success Stories Many successful software businesses used IT staff augmentation to quickly grow their IT teams. With staff augmentation, they expanded teams and finished projects on time and within budget. It’s a quick and efficient way for startups to grow their IT teams. Following best practices, hiring skilled IT specialists, and learning from successful case studies can make staff augmentation a success. Speeding Up Development and Launch Tech entrepreneurs are always racing to get their products to market first. IT staff augmentation can speed up tech product development by offering flexible employment options. Quick Product Launch Startups can build their development teams quickly with experienced individuals using staff augmentation. This lets them speed up product launches and gain a competitive edge. Staff augmentation allows access to a global talent pool and the ability to grow or shrink teams as needed. Launching a Mobile App Fast Launching a mobile app needs a mix of talents, like design, development, testing, and deployment. With staff augmentation, startups can form a team of professionals to quickly launch their apps. This flexible approach helps create high-quality apps on time and within budget. Staff augmentation also helps create a flexible and cost-effective workforce by combining in-house and remote work, letting startups adapt quickly to market changes. Smart Hiring for Startups Startups need to be smart when acquiring IT skills. They often have limited resources and need to make the most of each hire. One popular option is IT staff augmentation, bringing in cost-effective IT talent as needed. When hiring startups, consider options like recruiting a dedicated development team or engaging individual IT specialists on a per-project basis through staff augmentation. FAQs Best Practices for Staff Augmentation To implement staff augmentation in a tech startup, understand the company’s goals, create a clear job description, list required skills, and set a budget. Choose a reputable provider with the right talent for the job. Using IT Staff Augmentation Companies For US-based tech startups, choose a provider with startup experience. Understand their capabilities and pricing, set clear communication channels, and define the work scope. Clarify policies on intellectual property and confidentiality. Traditional Hiring vs. Staff Augmentation Traditional hiring gets full-time employees, while staff augmentation gets temporary workers for specific roles. Staff augmentation is flexible, and ideal for short-term projects or temporary staffing gaps. When to Choose Staff Augmentation Consider staff augmentation for temporary staffing gaps or specific skills needed for short-term projects. It’s cost-effective, especially for startups testing new products or services. Ensuring Compliance and Quality Select a reputable provider who understands the company’s needs. Establish clear communication, define the work scope, and set policies for intellectual property and confidentiality. Integrating Augmented Staff Establish clear communication channels, train staff on company culture and values, set a transparent chain of command, and provide regular feedback to integrate augmented staff effectively.

Cost Benefits of Staff Augmentation – Everything You Need To Know

Staff augmentation is a cost-effective and flexible solution for businesses that require additional staff temporarily. It is a strategy that allows organizations to supplement their existing workforce with specialized skills and expertise without incurring the costs associated with hiring full-time employees. The practice of staff augmentation has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the IT industry, where businesses require specialized skills for short-term projects. Understanding Staff Augmentation Staff augmentation is a staffing model that allows businesses to hire additional staff on a temporary basis. It is a flexible solution that allows organizations to supplement their existing workforce with specialized skills and expertise without incurring the costs associated with hiring full-time employees. Staff augmentation can be used for a variety of purposes, including project-based work, seasonal work, or to fill gaps in the existing workforce. Financial Implications of Staff Augmentation One of the primary benefits of staff augmentation is that it can be a cost-effective solution for businesses. By hiring temporary staff, businesses can avoid the costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, and taxes. Additionally, businesses can save money on recruitment expenses, such as job postings and advertisements. Staff augmentation can also help businesses to avoid the costs associated with employee turnover and training. Key Takeaways What is Staff Augmentation? Staff augmentation is a staffing strategy where a company temporarily hires skilled professionals from an external staffing agency to work on a specific project or fill a skills gap. The external professionals work alongside the company’s existing staff, under the company’s supervision, and follow the company’s policies and procedures. This strategy allows companies to access a wider pool of talent without having to commit to long-term employment contracts or invest in training. Staff augmentation is commonly used in IT, where companies may require specialized skills for a specific project or need to scale up their team quickly. However, it can be used in any industry where companies need to supplement their workforce with skilled professionals. Comparison with Staff Augmentation vs Traditional Hiring Traditional hiring involves recruiting, interviewing, and hiring full-time employees to work for a company. While traditional hiring provides companies with more control and loyalty from employees, it can be time-consuming and costly. Staff augmentation, on the other hand, provides companies with a cost-effective and flexible solution to meet their staffing needs. One of the cost benefits of staff augmentation is that companies only pay for the services they require. They do not have to pay for benefits, training, or other expenses associated with full-time employees. Staff augmentation also allows companies to scale up or down their workforce quickly, depending on their needs, without having to worry about layoffs or severance pay. In summary, staff augmentation provides companies with a flexible and cost-effective solution to meet their staffing needs. By leveraging external talent, companies can access specialized skills, scale up or down their workforce, and save on costs associated with traditional hiring. Financial Implications of Staff Augmentation Staff augmentation is a cost-effective solution for businesses that require additional resources for short-term projects or to fill temporary gaps in their workforce. This section will explore the financial implications of staff augmentation, including cost analysis and budgeting for augmented staff. Cost Analysis When considering staff augmentation, it is important to conduct a cost analysis to determine the financial benefits. Staff augmentation can be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee, as it allows businesses to access highly skilled and experienced professionals more flexibly and cost-effectively than by hiring a full-time employee. According to a Forbes article, “staff augmentation allows companies to access a wider range of skills and experiences than they would be able to afford if they were to hire full-time employees.” This allows businesses to save on recruitment costs, training costs, and other expenses associated with hiring a full-time employee. Another cost benefit of staff augmentation is that businesses can avoid the costs associated with employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. This can save businesses a significant amount of money in the long run. Budgeting for Augmented Staff When budgeting for augmented staff, businesses should consider the costs associated with the specific project or task that needs to be completed. This includes the cost of hiring the augmented staff, as well as any additional expenses such as equipment or software licenses.  “staff augmentation can help businesses save on costs associated with hiring and training new employees, as well as the costs of maintaining a full-time staff that may not be fully utilized.” By budgeting for augmented staff, businesses can ensure that they are getting the most value for their money. In conclusion, staff augmentation can provide significant cost benefits for businesses, particularly for short-term projects or to fill temporary gaps in their workforce. By conducting a cost analysis and budgeting for augmented staff, businesses can ensure that they are maximizing their return on investment and getting the most value for their money. Strategic Advantages IT staff augmentation offers several strategic advantages that can help organizations save money and improve their bottom line. Two of the most significant advantages are flexibility and scalability, as well as access to global talent. Flexibility and Scalability One of the most significant benefits of IT staff augmentation is the ability to scale up or down depending on the organization’s needs. This flexibility allows businesses to adjust their staffing levels quickly and efficiently, which can translate into significant cost savings. For example, if a company needs additional IT staff to complete a project, they can quickly and easily hire additional staff without the need to go through a lengthy recruiting process. Conversely, if the demand for IT services drops, the company can reduce staffing levels without the need to lay off permanent employees. Access to Global Talent IT staff augmentation also provides organizations with access to a global talent pool. This access to talent is particularly important when it comes to IT staffing, as the demand for skilled IT professionals often outstrips the […]

Overcoming IT Staffing Challenges with Mverse Technologies

Client Background: A leading Transport Logistics MNC was facing challenges in hiring skilled IT professionals for their critical projects. The company’s internal recruitment process was time-consuming, and they struggled to find candidates with the specific technical expertise required for their diverse range of projects. The Challenge: The client needed to quickly assemble a specialized team for a time-sensitive project but faced difficulties in finding qualified candidates within their internal recruitment framework. They were concerned about the potential delays and increased costs associated with traditional hiring processes. Mverse Technologies’ Solution: 1. Tailored Staff Augmentation Services: Mverse Technologies proposed a tailored IT Staff Augmentation solution to address the client’s immediate staffing needs. Leveraging our diverse pool of over 100 skilled IT professionals, we provided a range of services to suit the client’s project requirements. 2. Rigorous Screening Process: Our in-house developed automated and streamlined process ensured that we meticulously evaluated candidates’ technical and practical skills. This rigorous screening process guaranteed that the client received professionals with a deep understanding of their industry and proficiency in the required technologies. 3. Swift Scalability: With Mverse Technologies’ IT Staff Augmentation services, the client experienced unprecedented flexibility in scaling their team based on project demands. This was crucial for meeting tight deadlines and avoiding unnecessary overheads associated with hiring full-time employees. 4. Cost-Effective Staffing: The client benefited from significant cost savings by utilizing our staff augmentation services. They only paid for the specific skills and hours required for the project, eliminating the need for long-term financial commitments associated with full-time hires. 5. Transparent Reporting: Mverse Technologies provided detailed candidate assessment reports, empowering the client to make informed decisions aligned with their project goals. This transparency ensured that the client had a clear understanding of the expertise and capabilities each team member brought to the project. Results: The implementation of Mverse Technologies’ IT Staff Augmentation services resulted in the successful and timely completion of the client’s critical project. The client not only met their project deadlines but also achieved significant cost savings compared to traditional hiring methods. Conclusion: Mverse Technologies’ IT Staff Augmentation services proved to be a strategic solution for the client, addressing their immediate staffing needs with precision, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The case highlights the advantages of flexible scalability, rigorous candidate screening, and transparent reporting in overcoming IT staffing challenges for time-sensitive projects. For more information on how Mverse Technologies can transform your IT staffing experience, schedule a demo with us